plaid- > plaid- Employee Directory > Lauren McCarty
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Lauren McCarty
Software Engineer
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Location: San Francisco, California, United StatesApprox. Years of Experience: 2
Lauren McCarty's Current Workplace
Company Size
Amount Raised
Plaid is a data network that powers the tools millions of people rely on to live a healthier financial life. Plaid works with thousands of companies like Venmo, SoFi, and Betterment, several of the Fortune 500, and many of the largest banks to make it easy for people to connect their financial accounts to the apps and services they want to use. Plaid’s network covers more than 12,000 financial institutions across the US, Canada, UK and Europe. Headquartered in San Francisco, the company was founded in 2013 by Zach Perret and William Hockey.
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Notable Investors
Silver Lake, Andreessen Horowitz, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, Norwest Venture Partners
Financial Services
Software Engineer
Plaid · Full-time
Sep 2022 - Present
2 yrs 4 mos
Software Engineer Intern
Stripe · Internship
May 2021 - Aug 2021
4 mos
- Developed a system for monitoring and querying Stripe’s 1200+ MongoDB replica sets by health, config, sharding, etc. - Iterated on design and feature set to best serve the needs of other Document Database engineers, especially those on-call - Built a gRPC service in Go to discover replica sets from Consul and periodically index their metadata using Blevesearch - Integrated the replica set search and lookup functionality into the team’s internal web tooling using React and Flow
Software Engineer Intern
Shuffle · Internship
Jun 2020 - Aug 2020
3 mos
- Shuffle is a podcast sharing and discovery platform centered around short digestible podcast highlights - Spearheaded web-based internal tool for curating user feeds, managing the beta waitlist, monitoring the podcast audio transcription pipeline, and configuring automatic transcription for popular shows using React and TypeScript - Facilitated product-wide database migration from Firestore (NoSQL) to PostgreSQL with an idempotent data importing system and dual write/read tooling for a smooth transition - Collaborated with frontend engineers to deliver features such as social loop notifications, following, comment liking
Software Engineer Intern
Airbnb · Internship
Jun 2019 - Aug 2019
3 mos
- Worked in Java on the incentive (e.g. coupon, credit, cash) issuance service, designed as the service-oriented architecture replacement for a fragmented incentive ecosystem - Developed budget management and other safety/security features into the incentive issuance service to protect against costly mistakes or programmer error - Integrated budget management into the incentive program configuration web app using React, TypeScript, Redux - Migrated database schemas and crafted budget alert email templates using Ruby - Tracked usage, performance, and error rates with Datadog
COS 217 Undergraduate Grader
University: Princeton University Computer Science
Sep 2018 - Jan 2019
5 mos
- Grade assignments for large CS major prerequisite course - Only first-year grader for COS 217
Summer Intern
Rutgers University
Jun 2017 - Aug 2017
3 mos
- Rutgers WINLAB (Wireless Information Network Laboratory) - Augmented the safety and functionality of a bicycle with an app and wireless connected sensors, lights, and lock - Controlled system over Bluetooth LE from Android app by implementing a GATT server on a Raspberry Pi
  • 2018 - 2022
    Princeton UniversityBachelor of Science in Engineering, Computer Science