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Krishelle Hardson-Hurley Bethune, M.Ed
Senior Infrastructure Software Engineer - Security
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Location: United StatesApprox. Years of Experience: 14
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Dropbox is the one place to keep life organized and keep work moving. With more than 700 million registered users across 180 countries, we're on a mission to design a more enlightened way of working. Dropbox is headquartered in San Francisco, CA, and has offices around the world. To learn more about working at Dropbox, visit dropbox.com/jobs We also have a few simple guidelines to keep this space respectful and productive. Please avoid: - Harassing other people or using language that’s hateful, offensive, vulgar, or advocates violence - Trolling, fraud and spamming - Violating someone else’s rights or privacy - Advertising or soliciting donations - Link baiting - Posting off topic comments or thread hijacking We may remove comments that violate these guidelines.
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Senior Infrastructure Software Engineer - Security
Dropbox · Full-time
Jan 2023 - Present
1 yr 8 mos
Team: Trusted Data and Access Management Team Currently working on secrets management, contributing code as an engineer while serving as a team leader via technical program leadership, metric reporting, OKR development, sprint planning and peer development. I recently graduated from the Dropbox LEAD program, an exclusive leadership program for high potential under represented minorities at the company. On the admission assessment, I scored "high potential" across all pillars: intellectual, people, change and motivation.
Software Engineer and Incident Management TPM
Gem · Full-time
Mar 2022 - Dec 2022
10 mos
Serving as a Technical Program Manager for our Incident Management Program and writing software for the Engineering Platform. - Technical Program Management (30% of the time) - Work cross collaboratively with customer support, engineering managers and ICs to define an Incident Management Process. Wrote documentation and lead training on the new process. Manage all operational stages of SEV lifecycle, ensuring all SEVs are well documented, have a post mortem meeting and define clear action items aimed at preventing a similar incident. Regularly respond to feedback to improve the process for all stakeholders. - Software Development - Wrote a module for supporting SMTP Relay as an email agent to support a high profile customer. Worked directly with the customer to understand requirements, wrote detailed usage documentation and worked with CSM to train users on the new process. - UX Research - Developed an Engineering Platform Survey to assess current needs of a broader engineering team. Analyzed results, and gave recommendations for Platform strategy based on learnings. Partnered with the UX Research team to co-facilitate focus groups of engineers to understand the current sentiment of code review.
Nov 2016 - Mar 2022
Intern Engineering Manager, Senior Infrastructure Software Engineer, Tech Lead - Reliability
Jan 2021 - Mar 2022
1 yr 3 mos
- Intern Engineering Manager - Developed a detailed project plan for a software engineering intern, incorporating teaching and learning best practices to ensure the development and demontration of skill proficiency. Served as a mentor, but also manager by providing regular feedback and guiding the intern through performance improvement exercises. As a result, the intern received a full-time offer, and the project plan is now used as a exemplary model for the annual intern program. - Tech Lead - Developed long-term team vision, mentored team members, & led large cross-functional initiatives. - Technical Program Management - Led and executed three metro isolation Disaster Recovery tests (DRTs) with the Networking team. Organized weekly meetings, tracked technical actions, coordinated with service on-calls, wrote impact documents, led real-time DRT execution, and authored retrospectives. Achieved a 4-hour Recovery Time Objective (RTO), significantly reducing operational risk. - Direction and Strategy - Presented team strategy during company-wide “Trustober” talk. Worked with the Networking and Data Center Operations teams to analyze risk to physical data centers and define abort criteria for which we should trigger a failover to mitigate risk caused by a catastrophic event located near the core data center. - Software Development and Design - Contributed to failover tooling in GoLang. Designed and implemented a reliable, production-ready distributed system for failovers with persistent state, centralized logging, monitoring, and a multihomed architecture. Mentored a summer intern to build a system for detecting single-homed services, resulting in a full-time offer. - Operations - Served on a 24-hour on-call rotation, serving as button pusher for failing Dropbox from one data center to another monthly (5+ performed as button pusher), as well as being trained and available to perform a failover in the event of a natural disaster, within 2 hours of notification.
Full Stack Product Software Engineer - Enterprise
Nov 2019 - Jan 2021
1 yr 3 mos
- Software Development - Added features to web and desktop clients. Built with a combination of Python and Typescript. - Operations - Served on a 24-hour on-call rotation servicing customer product bugs. Triaged, investigated, and debugged technical issues while communicating progress to Customer Support via Jira. Facilitated a postmortem for a large customer outage with CX and Product stakeholders.
Infrastructure Software Engineer - Production Infrastructure
Aug 2019 - Dec 2019
5 mos
- Completed special project on Developer Virtualization team as a means to switch from SRE role to SWE. Later transferred to Product team. - Software Development - Worked with the Data Center Ops team to introduce new Mac devices into their existing repair workflow. Built an integration between Jira and the Mac health checker that created tickets when a device failed. Ensured a quick repair cycle for new devices, improved reliability, and efficiency for the Data Center team saving an estimated ~200 engineer hours per quarter. Built with Golang, Python, and Grafana.
Site Reliability Engineer - Networking
Aug 2017 - Aug 2019
2 yrs 1 mo
- Software/System Design and Development - Developed tools to automate manual operations on the Network, with the goal of improving overall reliability. Worked with Network Engineers to understand and replicate their manual processes into more reliable automated systems. Skills included Python programming, use of various APIs, integration with internal services, and development of documentation/training. - Leadership - Lead a group of ~10 engineers to complete the ambiguous task of creating a New Product Introduction (NPI) process for assessing new products for the Network. The process resulted in saved time (~100 engineer hours/yr) and lowered the risk of a future network failure. - Operations - Served on two 24-hour on-call rotations, one responsible for the network and the other Dropbox’s external availability.
Site Reliability Engineer - Infrastructure
Nov 2016 - Aug 2017
10 mos
As a junior SRE, I served on both the Traffic and the Monitoring Teams as well as in the company’s top level on-call rotation. Technical Projects: - Implemented Chef and Bazel to manage the migration of several internal services from Ubuntu 12.04 to 16.04. Tested these services on ec2 hosts before deploying to production. - Participated in technical design reviews and built technology to replace Nagios’ NRPE daemon, which unblocked 90 racks from participating in Disaster Recovery Tests. - Built Command Line Interface to measure capacity utilization of Kafka partitions. The CLI allows the user to diff utilization logs to see what has changed to allow for quick diagnostics for on-call engineers. - Added monitoring and analytics to our internal outage reporting system, worked with security team to ensure safe and secure practices. - Updated Dropbox's open source Pagerduty library (pygerduty) to be compatible with Pagerduty API v2. Stretch Projects: - As a Hack Week Project, I created an Onboarding framework for managers and mentors to support new members of Infrastructure. - Lead and contributed to the creation and distribution of team newsletters. Worked with other members of my team to summarize a comprehensive list of achievements from each quarter. - Involved in user interviews for new Monitoring and Alerting systems. Cultural Contributions: - Worked closely with other members of infrastructure to develop a Diversity and Inclusion Problem Framework. - Organized off-site for Infrastructure Organization to see Hidden Figures. - Sat on the Black History Month Planning Committee which involved planning events and sending communication about events through weekly newsletters. - Organized several events to support Women in Tech at Dropbox including two Women's History Month events and several events in support of Hackbright Academy. I obtained this role after leaving my 6 year career as a High School Math/Spanish teacher (read more below).
Contributing Writer
Real Python · Freelance
Mar 2018 - Mar 2020
2 yrs 1 mo
Author of tutorial style articles to help others learn and use Python. View my Author Profile and first article below!
University of San Diego · Part-time
Jul 2018 - Jul 2019
1 yr 1 mo
Taught online Master-level Education courses including “Engineering Design Process in Math and Science Education” and “Artistic Modeling and Representation in Math and Science Education”
Coding Curriculum Developer
Google via Adecco · Part-time
Sep 2017 - Dec 2017
4 mos
Supported a start up called Grasshopper by design coding lessons to teacher users basic lessons in JavaScript.
Mathematics Teacher (9th grade)
San Leandro Unified School District
Aug 2015 - Jun 2016
11 mos
▪️ Assigned to teach 6 ninth grade math classes (compared to the normal load of 5 classes per teacher). ▪️ Took on leadership role of mentoring one colleague through a rigorous Teacher Induction Program (formerly known as BTSA). ▪️ Balanced administrative responsibilities of a teacher including: long term calendar planning/scheduling, syllabus and other document development, record keeping, manual data entry, collaboration with team members, consistent verbal and written communication with variety of audiences (parents, colleagues, school administrators and students) and daily interaction/management of around 180 students. ▪️ Worked with children of diverse cultural, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds and implementing collaborative group learning strategies.
San Diego Unified School District
Aug 2011 - Aug 2015
Mathematics and Spanish Teacher (9-12th grades)
Aug 2010 - Aug 2015
5 yrs 1 mo
▪️ Managed three different classroom settings: Mathematics (52%), Spanish (32%), and Physical Education via cheerleading (16%). ▪️ Wrote and presented lessons that broke down complex concepts and problems and aimed to communicate them in an easy to understand manner. ▪️ Worked to optimize learning time by creating classroom structures that aimed to predict student pitfalls ahead of time and plan supports accordingly. ▪️ Built and maintained classroom environments that supported the nature of each subject while incorporating a broad range of tools. ▪️ Assumed administrative responsibilities including long-term planning and pacing, technology integration, professional development attendance, parent communication, tutoring, assessment, and classroom management. ▪️ Collaborated with other teachers to ensure consistent pacing, grading and curriculum delivery. ▪️ Worked with children of diverse cultural, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds and implemented collaborative group learning strategies. ▪️ Transitioned courses to reflect Common Core State Standards.
Competitive Sports Advisor (9-12th grades)
Aug 2011 - Jun 2015
3 yrs 11 mos
▪️ Managed year-round competitive cheerleading program, attending and supervising all events while serving as a full-time Math/Spanish Teacher. ▪️ Managed accounting of large budget (~$70K). ▪️ Orchestrated travel details including flight and hotel to Orlando, FL for 50 individuals (cheerleaders, parents, coaches). ▪️ Organized health and safety paperwork, fundraisers, schedules, parent communications/ involvement. ▪️ Designed fliers and media using Adobe Illustrator. ▪️ Worked with coaches and volunteers to plan and execute practices, games and fundraising events. ▪️ Conducted team building and bonding activities for character and team development. ▪️ Team finished in First Place at National High School Cheerleading Championship (NHSCC) in 2014 and in Second Place at NHSCC in 2015.
Mathematics Instructor for TRiO Upward Bound Math Science Summer Program (10th grade)
University of California San Diego
Jun 2014 - Jul 2014
2 mos
▪️Worked closely with a group of culturally, racially and economically diverse students admitted to a highly selective summer program. ▪️Designed and implemented curriculum and activities related to Common Core Mathematics as well as college and career awareness. ▪️Monitored individual student progress on a daily basis and communicated results with program counselors and tutors.
Mathematics Instructor (6-7th grades)
Elite Prep
Jun 2011 - Aug 2011
3 mos
I taught one Pre-Algebra and one Algebra summer prep course.
  • 2010 - 2013
    University of San DiegoMaster of Education (M.Ed.), Mathematics, Science and Technology Education
  • 2016 - 2016
    Hackbright AcademyFellowship, Software Engineering
  • 2006 - 2010
    University of San DiegoBachelor of Arts (B.A.), Mathematics and Spanish