Aug 2016 - Present
Staff Software Engineer
Jan 2021 - Present
• 4 yrs 2 mosMember of the Kafka Connect team, I am working on seamless and scalable integration of data systems with Apache Kafka in the cloud and on-premise.
Senior Software Engineer
Aug 2016 - Dec 2020
• 4 yrs 5 mos
The Apache Software Foundation
Feb 2020 - Present
Apache Kafka PMC member
Jun 2021 - Present
• 3 yrs 9 mosApache Kafka Committer
Feb 2020 - Present
• 5 yrs 1 mo
Senior Software Engineer
Big Data Startup in Stealth-mode
Mar 2016 - Aug 2016
• 6 mosLed the efforts to accelerate big data workloads on Apache Spark and Apache Kafka using native code and specialized hardware accelerators.

Tech Yahoo, Software Engineer
Oct 2014 - Mar 2016
• 1 yr 6 mosI worked on enabling and optimizing big data analytics for Yahoo's massive audience data on a technology stack that included Druid, Kafka, Hadoop and Spark. Designed and implemented key parts of low latency web-services for ad-hoc real-time queries on streamable and aggregatable data, such as topN, time-series and group-by queries.
Led the performance evaluation and contributed to capacity planning of Yahoo’s next generation data analytics clusters for audience data.
Tech stack: Kafka, Druid, Hadoop, Spark, Java 8, ReactiveX, Scala, Groovy

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Aug 2011 - Oct 2014
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Computer Science
Aug 2011 - Oct 2014
• 3 yrs 3 mosI designed and implemented with Andrew Lenharth and Donald Nguyen the first parallel versions of the most widely used algorithms for bandwidth and wavefront reduction in sparse matrices and social networks. These algorithms have significant applications ranging from numerical computing to data visualization.
You may find these high performance versions of Cuthill-McKee and Sloan algorithms along with many other fascinating parallel graph algorithms in the latest version of Galois.
Tech stack: Galois, Boost, C++11, R, Stream-based lazy evaluation computing.
Visiting Lecturer, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Aug 2011 - Jun 2013
• 1 yr 11 mos